Ajai R. Singh MD

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See also Mens Sana Research Foundation

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Dr Ajai R. Singh M.D.  
Consulting Psychiatrist at Aditi Hospital, Mulund, Mumbai, India. He has earlier been a Senior Research Fellow,W.H.O.Collaborating Center in Psychopharmacology in India. He is a founder of the  Mens Sana Research Foundation  ( http://mensanamonographs.tripod.com and Editor of Mens Sana Monographs www.msmonographs.org . Also Co-author of the book Psychiatry, Science, Religion and  Health  [for details  http://www.msmonographs.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2004;volume=2;issue=1;month=January-December ] released in Oct, 2004 and many other monographs since. He has also written a book on music: The Swara Sampada Sourcebook on Music ISBN 81-901406-2-0 released in Feb. 2005. He is Founder President of Mulund  Medico Sports Club which conducts sports tournaments all over Mumbai and Maharashtra . He is also Founder President of Swara Sampada  ( http://swarasampada.tripod.com ) whose mission is to convert bathroom singers into living room singers, and living room singers into stage singers. He is a Fellow  of the Indian Psychiatric Society; Vice-President, Maharashtra Chapter of  Indian Association of Private Psychiatry; Chairman, Mental Health Awareness [2005-2008], IPS West Zone; and was on the Board of Directors and then President 2007-2008, Rotary Club of Mulund Hills, Dist 3140 . He has also a member of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
Ajai has been profoundly influenced by his father Shri R.C. Singh, a man of modest means, who had an abiding interest in ghazals and quality literature. And went out of his way to help people. His other influence was his guruji in music, Shri Vinayak Kunte, who was a uncompromising teacher of hindustani classical music. His school principal, Ms S. Sampson, treated him like her son and mentored him through his school and college days. From his teachers in medical school, one who influenced him with his passion for psychiatry was Prof V.N. Bagadia, prof of psychiatry at G.S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, a committed exponent of the benefits of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine.
Mahatma Gandhi's thought has been an abiding interest, and he finds Sri Aurobindo's and Gurudev Tagore's writings profound. The personalities of Rama and Christ hold a special appeal for their selflessnes. He holds a special fascination for the pillars of science like Newton, Galileo, Einstein. Charles Dickens, P. G. Wodehouse and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have been his favourite authors.
In music, his influences have been the melodious voices of Talat Mehmood and Jagjit Singh, as also the beautiful singing of Mehdi Hasan.
Dr Shakuntala  A. Singh  Ph.D
Professor and Head, Dept. of  Philosophy at the Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane,  Maharashtra, India. In September 2005, she has taken over as Principal of the College.
After completing her schooling and undergraduate studies form Karwar, a small township in North Karnataka, along the west coast of India, Shakuntala completed her M.A. in philosophy from Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, in 1973. 
She then shifted base to Mumbai as a lecturer in philosophy at Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane, Maharashtra [1975-95], during which time she completed her Ph.D. degree from University of Mumbai in comparative philosophy in 1984 and her post doctoral work in 1995. From 1980 to 1983, she held a fellowship from the Indian University Grants Commission to work on a comparative study of Gautama and Aristotle. From 1992 to 1995, she worked on a perspectival sketch of Indian philosophical thought as a postdoctoral fellow of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
In 1995, she became a senior lecturer and in 2000 was named head of her department. In 2005 she was named principal of Joshi-Bedekar College. She continues to hold that post in 2010.
She has presented research papers at various  Conferences,  Seminars, Workshops ets. 
She gave an Endowment  Lecture on   Humanism at the Indian Philosophical Congress, Dec. 1999,  titled, "Relevance of Renaissance Humanism for Man in the Third Millenium", and read a paper titled, "A perspective on the Indian Tradition: some notes on Mohanty's remarks thereon",  at an International Conference on  'Contemporary Views on Indian Civilisation ' on 28-30 July,  2000, at Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA.. Earlier that year, 24-26 Mar 2000, she was invited to read a paper titled, "Indian Tradition and Renaissance Humanism: A fair and beneficial exchange of concepts", at a National Seminar on Humanistic Trends in Indian Thought, organised by the ICPR, at Lucknow, India. She also read a paper at the World Philosophy Conference and Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Indian Philosophical Congress, 28 Dec-1Jan 2001, titled, "Indian Philosophies: spirituality as component and analysis as method".  Later, she was invited to read a paper titled, "Humanity at the crossroads: does Sri Aurobindo offer an alternative?" at a National Seminar on 'Sri Aurobindo and the future of Humanity', 17-19 Jan 2005, organised by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, and UGC, at India International Center, New Delhi. [This was later published in 2009. See http://msmonographs.org/article.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2009;volume=7;issue=1;spage=110;epage=127;aulast=Singh ].
She is a recognised Ph.D. guide in Philosophy by the  University of Mumbai and Member of its Board of Studies and Faculty of Arts.
She is also Co-Founder  of  the   Mens Sana  Research Foundation ( http://mensanamonographs.tripod.com ) and Deputy Editor, Mens Sana Monographs, and Co-author of the book  'Psychiatry, Science, Religion and  Health ' published in Oct, 2004, and many monographs published later. She  is  also a founder member of  Swara Sampada and its President from Feb 2010 ( http://swarasampada.tripod.com).
An alumni of Karnatak University, from where she did her postgraduation, she fondly remembers the mentoring by Prof K.J. Shah who helped her take the first halting steps in philosophy. Prof Shah was a student of Wittgenstein at Cambridge University. He was an eminent philosopher from India and she remembers with gratitude how she imbibed the best of eastern and western thought from him. Later, while doing her Ph.D and post doctoral research under Prof S.G. Mudgal, [a dedicated educationist and well-respected scholar in Indian Philosophy], she developed a keen understanding of educational administration and Indian philosophy. She also greatly profited by prolonged philosophical discussions with Prof S.S. Barlingay, a renowned philosopher with a sharp intellect, who was from Pune and also Editor of the Indian Philosophical Quarterly. Philosophical discussions with her co-author, Ajai, have resulted in a number of publications in the last 3 decades.
These influences helped forge the qualities she is known for - integrity in administration [Prof Mudgal], special care towards her students [Prof Shah, Prof Mudgal, Prof Barlingay], collaboration in research [Ajai], and dedication to the welfare of the institution she heads [Prof Mudgal].
Recent Publications
Their most recent publication are the following monographs
1. 'Medical Practice, Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever the Trio Shall Meet', Mens Sana Monographs, March-October 2005 [see http://www.msmonographs.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2005;volume=3;issue=1;month=March ]
2. Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers and Directions from Law Suits Against Industry, Mens Sana Monographs, Nov 2005-Feb 2006. [see http://www.msmonographs.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2005;volume=3;issue=2;month=November ]
Edited Monographs of MSM 2006-2010
Together they have edited monographs published by MSM [ISSN 0973-1229] from 2006-2010:
ISBN 81-89753-13-4
2.  Medicine and the pharmaceutical Industry: and ever the duo shall meet, MSM 2007. [see http://www.msmonographs.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2007;volume=5;issue=1;month=January-December ]
ISBN 81-89753-14-2
3.  Medicine, Mental Health, Science, Religion and Well being. MSM 2008. [see http://www.msmonographs.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2008;volume=6;issue=1;month=January-December ]
ISBN 978-81-89753-15-3
ISBN 978-81-89753-16-0
ISBN 978-81-89753-17-7
All these are available full text open access online at www.msmonographs.org
A list of their other publications and abstracts are available elsewhere [see https://ajai-shakuntala.tripod.com/id2.html ] on this site.

Both  Shakuntala  and  Ajai  share  a  keen  interest  in  philosophy  and  music .  They  love  musical  get- togethers ,  nature  trails  and  out door  sports .  They  also  enjoy long  drives  and  vacations  away   from  commonly  visited  places . They  welcome  serious  discussions  over  social issues  in  an  atmosphere  of  healthy  give  and  take  of  ideas  .  They  are  fun loving  and  enjoy  humour , but  not  at  somebody 's  expense. They  value  friendships  and  would  go  all  out  to  help  a  friend  in distress . They  would  love  to   make  a difference  where  it  matters .  They  value  care  and  compassion , and  a  firm  commitment  to  certain  core  values  of  life , irrespective  of   whether  it  brings   success  and  prestige ,or  not .
 Well , that's  enough  for  a  lifetime !

See also list of publications

Backpacker taking a drink; Size=180 pixels wide
Taking a break from  teaching , or  seeing  patients

What a job!
Well  if  this  could  be  our  job  it  would  be  a  dream .
In  its  absence , Shakuntala  enjoys driving  down  to  her  college  where  she  teaches  philosophy  to  her  students . And enjoys  their  adoring  looks . And looks after the administration of the college as well, having taken over as Principal in Sept., 2005.
And  Ajai  goes  to  his  consulting  rooms  to  treat  patients . Atleast  that's  what  he  thinks .  And  his patients  don't  mind  this  delusion  of  his .
All  this  to  compensate  for  this  not  being  their  job !

Between  teaching  and  patients, Shakuntala  and  Ajai  find time  to  write  and  work  for  the  Mens Sana Research  Foundation  they  set  up  in  May  2003 . http://mensanamonographs.tripod.com. They  enjoy  the  challenge  it  involves . Ajai  has  recently  started  enjoying  the  internet .  This  web site  is  his baby !  You  may , if you wish , and  maybe even  if  you  don't ,  sent  him  a  mail  appreciating  him  for  his  efforts  at  mensanamonographs@yahoo.co.uk.



Some   Recent  Monographs of  Ajai  and  Shakuntala  Singh ( 2003-2010)
1. Singh  A.R., Singh  S.A., (2003), Psychiatric  Consequences  of  the  WTC Collapse  and  the  Gulf  War, Mens Sana Monographs, Mens Sana Research Foundation,  Vol. I:1, May  2003, ISSN 0973-1229.      
2. Singh  A.R. ,  Singh  S.A., (2003), Towards  a  Suicide free  Society :  Identify Suicide  Prevention  as Public  Health  Policy  , Mens Sana Monographs , Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. I:2 , July-August , 2003 , ISSN 0973-1229.     
3. Singh  A.R., Singh  S.A., (2003), What  Shall  We  Do  About  Our  Concern  With  The  Most  Recent   In  Psychiatric  Research ?,  Mens Sana Monographs , Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. I:3, Sept - Oct , 2003. ISSN 0973-1229 .     
4. Singh  A.R. , Singh  S.A., (2003), Replicative  Nature  of  Indian  Research ,  Essence  of  Scientific  Temper  and  Future  of  Scientific  Progress , Mens Sana Monographs, Mens  Sana Research Foundation , Vol. I:4 , Nov.-Dec. , 2003. ISSN 0973-1229 .   
5. Singh  A.R. , Singh  S.A., (2004), Gandhi  on  Religion , Faith  and  Conversion :  Secular  Blueprint  Relevant  Today , Mens Sana Monographs , Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. I:5 , Jan. - Feb., 2004. ISSN 0973-1229 .   
6. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A., (2004),The Goal : Health  For  All ;  The  Commitment :  All  For  Health ,  Mens  Sana Monographs ,  Mens Sana Research Foundation,  Vol.  I:6, Mar.- Apr. ,  2004. ISSN 0973-1229.   
7. Singh  A.R. , Singh  S.A. (2004), Psychiatry ,  Science ,  Religion  and  Health , Mens Sana Monographs  Annual  2004 , Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. II:1-3 ,  May - Oct.  2004. ISSN 0973-1229. 
8. Singh  A.R. ,  Singh  S.A. (2004-2005), Resolution of the Polarisation of Ideologies and Approaches in Psychiatry, Mens Sana Monographs, Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. II:4-5, Oct 2004- Feb 2005. ISSN 0973-1229. 
9. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2005) , Medical Practice, Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever the Trio Shall Meet ,  Mens  Sana Monographs,  Mens Sana Research Foundation,  Vol. II:6, Vol III, 1-3, Mar.- Oct.,  2005. ISSN 0973-1229 .   
10. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2005-2006) , Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers and Directions from Recent Law-Suits against Industry. Medicine As A Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise? ,  Mens  Sana Monographs ,  Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. III:4-5, Nov 2005- Feb  2006. ISSN 0973-1229.   
Volumes of Mens Sana Monographs Edited
1. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2006) , What medicine means to me?,  Mens  Sana Monographs,  Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. IV:1-4, Mar-Dec  2006. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-13-4.
2. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2007) , Medical practice and the pharmaceutical industry: and ever the duo shall meet,  Mens  Sana Monographs ,  Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. 5:1, Jan-Dec 2007. ISSN 0973-1229.  ISBN 81-89753-14-2.
3. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2008) , Medicine, mental health, science religion and well-being,  Mens  Sana Monographs , Mens Sana Research Foundation, Vol. 6:1, Jan-Dec 2008. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 978-81-89753-15-3.  
4. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A. (2009) , Some issues in women's studies, and other essays,  Mens  Sana Monographs ,  Mens Sana Research Foundation,  Vol. 7, 1, Jan-Dec 2009. ISSN 0973-1229.  ISBN 978-81-89753-16-0 
5. Singh  A. R.,  Singh  S.A., (2010) , Psychopharmacology today,  Mens  Sana Monographs ,  Mens Sana Research Foundation,  Vol. 8:1, Jan-Dec 2010. ISSN 0973-1229.  ISBN 978-81-89753-17-7 
(UPDATED  11--9-2010)
 visit :   http://www.msmonographs.org/backissues.asp         
Some  Other  Notable  Publications  (1988-2000)
1. Singh A.R., Singh  S.A. ( 1988)  The  Comparative  and  the  Creative , Ind. Philo. Quart., Vol  15 , No 2, p 189-208 .
2. Singh A.R., Singh S.A. (1988)  Readings  in Dissent -1 ,  New  Quest , 71, p289-296.
Dissent-2 , New  Quest  ,72 , p333-347.
3. Singh  A.R., Singh  S.A. (1989)  Psychiatric  Ethics : Role  of  Philosophical  Enquiry ,  Ind. Philo. Quart., Vol 16, No 2, p89-118.
4. Singh A.R., Singh  S.A. (1990)  A  Peep  into  Man's  Histority : The Lessons  for  Today  ,  Jr.  Ind.  Coun.  Philo. Res. , Vol 7 , No 3, p23-46.
5.  Singh A.R.,  Singh  S.A. (1991)  On  Non-Issues  ,  New  Quest  , 86 , p89-97 .
6.  Singh  A.R. , Bagadia V.N. ,  Pradhan P.V.,  Acharya  V.N. (1988),  Death , Dying  and  Near  Death  Experience :  Preliminary  Report  on  Surveying  the  Need and  Developing  the  Method ,  Ind.  Jr. Psychiat., 30(3) , p299-306.
7.  Singh  A.R.  Singh  S.A. (1992),  The  Tagore-Gandhi  Controversy  Revisited --  Or , Further  in  Search  of  Development --1, Ind.  Philo. Quart ,  Vol19 , No 3 p167-186 .  --2 , Ind  Philo  Quart , Vol 19 ,No 4 , p265-292.
8. Singh  A.R.,  Singh  S.A. (1994),  Ideological  Conflicts  and  their  Resolution  in  Psychiatry , Arch  Ind  Psychiat  , Vol 1 , No 2 ,p86-91.
9. Singh  A.R.,  Singh S.A., (1995), Hedonistic  Issues  in  Drug  Dependency , Namah , Vol 2 , Issue 2 , p57-61.
10. Singh  A.R.,  Singh S.A.,(1990),  Fifty  Years after  Freud : An Appraisal ,  Psychol  Hum Beh  Digest , Vol 2 , No 1, p12-28.
11. Singh  A.R.,  Singh S.A., (1991),  How  Mahatma  Gandhi's  Plan  can  Solve  Temple  Issue ,  Mainstream , Vol 39, No 13 , Jan 19,1991, p19-25.  Also  later  published  in  Politics  of  Confrontation: The  Babri- Masjid  Ramjanmabhoomi  Controversy  Runs  Riot  (ed.  Asghar  Ali  Engineer)  ,1992 ,  Ajanta  Pub , New Delhi, p49-55. 
12. Singh  S.A. (2000),  Relevance  of  Renaissance  Humanism  for  Man  in  the  Third  Millennium ,  Dr. K.M.A. Hay  Lecture  on  Humanism ,  The  Proceedings   of  the  74th  Session  of  the  Indian  Philo  Congress , Dec  28-30, 1999, Bodh Gaya , Pub 2000 (ed Shukla  Sinha ) , p215-226.

For  a  Complete  List  See  List  of  Publications  on  this  Website

List of Publications

Any  takers  ?


